We find ourselves in uncharted territory. Nothing could have prepared us for the events that are happing all around us. Certainly, it is unsettling. With this noted, we are presented with a great opportunity. Amidst the chaos in which we find ourselves, something VERY GOOD is emerging. Literally everyone on this planet has the same goal. We all want to eradicate this virus. Unusual but true, we are globally unified on this point.
Historically, we have survived many challenges. We will survive this one as well. As a community, we are beautiful, strong and resilient. If we take a breath, keep the faith and remember that the war we are waging is against the virus and not each other, we will get through this challenging period.
You are beautiful, strong and resilient. Use these remarkable traits to navigate yourself, your loved ones and those in our communities safely through these rough waters. By so doing, we will all weather the storm.
M. Regina Phillips Munster
Before entering law school in my 30's, I worked as a NYC paramedic and a high school biology teacher. Now a mom, wife and litigator, my goal is to use my skills to help others.